This magic of beginning, an elixir of life, unique with multiple values and benefits, a non-substitutable resource royally called ‘Blue Gold’ denoting survival past ages, extraordinarily playing the most vital role in social and cultural aspects of sanitation in the society and undoubtedly the steadfast player in the sustenance of both the flora and fauna existing in the world and ardent lovers and researchers of the Space hovering around each planet of their interest in dire search of even a drop of the miracle – Water, has been celebrated by all with due respect as ‘Water Day.
World Water Day is annually celebrated by the United Nations as Observance day held on March 22, highlighting the importance and celebration of Water. It raises awareness of the hardships of 2.2 billion people without good access to safe, clean water. It also tackles water crises all over the world.
As an altruistic person, my concern for society and its survival lay in freshwater resources. Various incidents occurring in the world due to lack of clean water imposes life threat to bio-diversity. So simple steps of saving and conserving water have been shared with the students in the class according to my guidance.
The Importance of Water
Water has been globally mandatory sustaining life in plants, animals and human beings for their survival.
About 60% of water content in the human body regulates body temperature, moistens tissues, protects all organs, aids in the transportation of oxygen along with other nutrients to entire cells, flushing wastes resulting in good digestion, detoxification, weight loss and hydrated skin.
All leading industries use water as an important raw material like the brewing sector - 92%, the agricultural sector - 72%, irrigation purposes – 40%, the fashion industry – 50% and the remaining 22% for domestic purposes.
Groundwater in the form of aquifers has been the only reliable source of remedy for the worldwide water crisis. 99% of fresh water on earth is misused, mismanaged and undervalued by people.
Mythological and Philosophical views of Water
Water symbolizes life and being the purest and natural form of food represents purity, clarity, calmness and cleansing of our minds.
In Hindu mythology, Water is considered to have cleansing and purifying power.
In Christian divinity, Water has been linked to “Baptism” with bathing or immersing in holy water symbolizing “Rebirth in God and purity of soul”.
Thales, a philosopher believed the principle behind everything is water.
Aristotle, a Greek philosopher said the opposite elements like hotness, dryness, cold, and moisture were formed from the entities of water.
Valuing Water: The following factors determine the value of water.
1. Of late, Covid – 19 reminds us that water supply and sanitation are priceless.
2. All stakeholders need to be involved in evaluation and decision-making.
3. Social and cultural values attributed to water are of the highest value.
4. By recognizing the multiple values of water as we can ensure equity in water resource management.
5. Ignoring water wastage and misuse of this priceless resource.
Climatic Change and Water
1. Climatic change is the main threat behind the disconnection of continuous water supply in all forms in the world. 90% of disasters in the world is caused by water in the form of flood and tsunami.
2. Mitigation and adaptation to optimal usage of water.
Reasons to Save Water: The need to save water for future conservation must be emphasized with ‘Think Big’ projects like ‘Xeriscaping’ using lawn xerophytes eg. Cactus plants which are water consuming ones, that need only less frequent watering, unlike other plants.
Trees for water
We have a big boon of planting trees that can rejuvenate groundwater. As an initiative, in Rajasthan, even now, trees are planted with deep roots to use capillary water through transpiration and reduce evaporation of water vapour to maintain atmospheric moisture inducing rainfall. Tree covers (canopy) in trees like Neem, Ashoka and Tamarind prevent the evaporation of water from rivers, streams etc maintaining the groundwater table and saving water for agriculture. Hence, the groundwater level is increased.
Taking African dry lands as a model, in India dry lands can be planted with more trees where the roots are soaked into the water table or aquifers and recharged naturally with more water.
Few ways to make groundwater visible
Joining hands - “Multiple disciplines come to shine a light” So, we need perspectives from different disciplines – scientists, lawyers, engineers etc., and create solutions that make groundwater visible.
1. Highlight its role for bio-diversity – groundwater is not only for human use but supports the ecosystem (wetland or marshy), over-pumping of water – it depletes the water level – this makes people understand the need to protect aquifers.
2. Recharging aquifers – Harvesting rainwater and saving – this enhances aquifers to get recharged and makes groundwater sustainable and improves aqua bio-diversity and food security.
3. Hydrological Cycle – Groundwater is the resource and the aquifer is its host, so both need to be protected with rainwater.
There are some tips for saving water at home including shorter showers, checking for wastage, turning off the water while shaving the hair off the face and chin, brushing the teeth etc.,
At St.Britto’s, the students were made to understand the importance of water through various activities.
Discussions were held among the teachers and students to take steps to make the ground permeable again and educate people not to contaminate water with faeces and other contaminants that result in water-borne diseases. Many campaigns were held and hand-outs were given as part of the initiatives taken by our students.
The theme for 2022 Water Day is “Ground Water – making the invisible visible”.
In ‘2018 - Water Aid’ UK’s Charity Organisation which covers 28 countries in helping to provide clean and safe water, India ranked one among the top 10 countries where it was reported that “India is the most improved nation with clean water, but faces challenges with falling groundwater levels, drought, demands from agriculture, pollution, poor water resource management that has intensified due to climatic change which has worsened the survival conditions.” So far, Water Aid has reached 27 million people with clean water, 27 million with decent toilets and 20 million people with good hygiene”.
Water - Climate Close-link
As the planet adapts to changing climate and increasing population, groundwater is the most demanding for the growth of plants, supply of food, and drinking water. But this source is at risk – by insufficient protection and pollution. So, it is the social responsibility of all people to protect and manage the water crisis.
Due to the lack of clean water many deaths due to water-borne diseases like acute Diarrhoea, Cholera, typhoid etc., occur around the world. At St.Britto’s, various forms of activities were held like ‘Teach, Watch and Document’, ‘Water Diary’ and ‘Water campaign’. ‘Take water access challenge’ and ‘Talk-shows’ on how to conserve water were organized to educate the students to learn to be clean even with minimal use of water. Re-use of water like the water used to wash rice, vegetables, pulses etc., can be used to water gardens and wash other areas outside the house with it. Encouraging students to know about the ‘Navy showers’ contest to preserve with cleanliness, the whole body by using optimum water, which is speedy, and also alerts us to turn it off while lathering and washing hair.
Occasional Trips to aquariums were organized for students to know how sea life depends on clean water, reusing fish tanks’ water as a nutrient-rich source of hydration for household plants(non-edible) etc., made them learn interesting and different, useful facts about saving water.
Knowledge-based activities like gaining inputs about the various sources of water, a baseline knowledge – where water comes from? were given to students of all classes from grades 5 - 9, so that they know the importance of water.
Water sanitation project
Clean-up reservoir
Creation of posters, logos, house visits, organising water audits and rain barrels in schools, street plays, and ‘ban the use and throw bottle’ were mini-projects conducted to make the students actively participate and give the outputs.
Using Facebook, Instagram etc., giving newsletters to parents made them participate and share their views on how to save water and understand the dangers of water scarcity. The values learned by the students through these projects and activities are a sense of teamwork, identifying and strengthening their capacities, and uniting together to bring necessary transformations.
The Future
With the concern and well-being of the future generation to be supplied with clean pure water, is by proper education to the masses. Monitoring water quality, reuse and recycling water technology, awareness to improve water management and sanitation, and access to clean water are some of the areas that need to be power-packed for the generations of future ages to live in the world.
My interaction with the students has left a positive note among them, where the water audit was done at school and home proved to be worthy, which has made students use water in a prudent manner which is a symbol of success.
I’m Sheela Rexci, doing BCA at Hindustan University and a former student of St.Britto’s MHSS. I have participated in many programmes and cultural activities in the school. I remember taking part in programmes like ‘Teach, Watch and Document’, ‘Take water access challenge’ and ‘Talk-show’ conducted on Water Day where I learnt to avoid waste of water and to protect the resources and environment which are connected. I connected with my friends and we started to reach out to residents, fellow students, relatives and others known to us, by telling “If we have planted a tree in half-feet there is no necessity for digging a borewell of depth 600 ft”. This slogan makes others understand the importance of water and how everyone must resort to saving it.
Of late, I and my group of friends have started to visit schools through NGOs and stressed the students as well as teachers to “Save Water” by all means. I feel that saving water is like preserving a commodity of utmost importance in the world.
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